Posts Tagged ‘insane’

I’ve been dealing with a stalking, libelous creature for quite some time now. Recently, she’s decided to take her freaking fantasy to a new level – by contacting mental health officials in New Zealand (where she believes I reside) and demanding that I be put into custody.

After much thought, I decided to contact the individuals as well as the organizations she’s been emailing to request that any and all missives be copied on to me. I gave them all my complete information that includes a contact number and personal data that can be verified. I’m happy to say I’m receiving those missives now and they are being compiled and sent to my local authority.

My hope is to have this person’s ISP contacted and have her shut down. She’s cause so much misery. Not just to me but to literally dozens upon dozens of unrelated people on the Internet. She shows no signs of stopping. And when she crossed into libel, she went too far.

Some of the emails sent can be seen on my site. Please feel free to register and leave comments there if you have had to deal with Dawn Gordon and her “special” brand of insanity.

Update: One good piece of news today – she’ll be removing one of the people she’s harassing from her constant barrage of email. Let’s hope she continues!

Second update: For recording purposes, her IP address is and she’s PouringPrint here on WordPress (as well as ChristianCreativity).

Third update: An extensive list (but by no means exhaustive as there are others) of web sites Dawn Gordon has out there on the Internet, please check the blogroll at